The Work...

Developing the capacity for deep intimacy, heart connection and lasting attraction is founded on six core principles... 

Sensitivity, Honesty, Openness, Presence, Generosity & Practice.

The only way to learn new skills or develop existing ones is to practice until you intimately know how to apply them in real life. These workshops provide a safe, fun and educational environment to explore very practical tools for relaxation, movement, feeling, response, connection and expression.

In other words, we teach you how and why intimacy and attraction actually works and then you get the chance to practice in real time with real people, so you can do it in the real world.

I invite you to think of this workshop as a relational gymnasium. You don't get fit by simply buying a gym membership, you have to actually go! The same thing applies to relational skills, you have to get in the gym of relating if you want to get fit. The beautiful thing with these skills, is that once you learn them (and they are very learnable) you have them for life.

The Intimacy and Attraction Workshop™

The Intimacy and Attraction Workshop® is a set of techniques and exercises for inviting presence, connecting through the heart, and exploring the play of masculine and feminine for strong sexual attraction.

This potent set of tools will enable you to accurately, cleanly, and powerfully explore the realms of sexual polarity and heartful connection in your own life and with others. The material serves as a means to radically deepen your personal understanding of your own journey, as well as furnish you with the tools to guide others.

You will learn innovative ways to: Invite Deep Connection, Experience Relaxed Heart Opening and Create Strong Erotic Tension.